Visual Arts

29. 03. 2021 - 24. 04. 2021

Kino Šiška



At an unknown time 167 weeks ago, a flying vessel entered into a geostationary orbit. Strangers arrived on Earth – beings from an extrasolar planet in an unlocated galaxy. Apart from a recording that looks more like nighttime photos by the border police than the arrival of aliens, there is no documented evidence of their arrival. They successfully crossed international airspace, avoided the network of intelligence services, and landed in the vast world of Instagram. On the platform that allows the creation of one or many identities, where the line between private and commercial is completely blurred, and where anyone can sell their better self, the newcomers took on the form of Cloudy Babies, an intergalactic pop band. Entrenched in the data cloud as two among many, they observed, explored and learned about the Earthly way of life. Smitten by the nature that surrounds them and by the unfamiliar ways of interaction, our world seems darker than dark matter itself to them.

29. 3., 1., 6., 8., 15., 16., 19., 22., 24. 4. from 6 – 10 pm.

About Cloudy Babies

The song Darker Matter encompasses the feelings of being lost, displaced; it speaks about the yearning for acceptance and recognition, the necessity of belonging to someone or something. The poetic-melancholic narrative allows the viewer to sink into the experience of the galactic duo and be led through situations, experienced a hundred times before, as if they were experiencing them for the first time as well. 

Curated Series 2021: Constructed Identities explores social structures and situations from various perspectives and starting points, emphasizing the process of constructing an individual’s identity within a certain community and the latter’s role in specific social systems. Each exhibition will be accompanied by a publication, with the combined publications presenting the series as a whole. 

Organisation: Kino Šiška

Curator: Lara Reichmann

Free entry. 


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