Accessibility statement

    The Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture undertakes to make its website accessible in accordance with the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act and EU Directive 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council. This Accessibility Statement applies to the entire website.

    The website is fully compliant with WCAG 2.1 level AA recommendations. This accessibility statement was prepared on 21 September 2020. The method we used to formulate this statement is self-assessment. The statement was last reviewed on 18 July 2022.

    The visually impaired can choose:

    1. color schemes:
    • color rotation
    • green text on a black background (dark contrast)
    • black text on a white background (bright contrast)
    • color removal (desaturation)
    1. increased spacing by several degrees
    2. increased font by several degrees

    The content is preceded by an indicator of the current location on the website (breadcrumbs).

    Users with dyslexia have the option to switch between serif and non-serif font.

    On the website, it is possible to stop animations and videos and to designate links. Website reading at different speeds is also enabled.

    You can address all questions or comments related to online accessibility to us by e-mail: We will reply to you as soon as possible. The website was published in 2016.

    Implementation of the provisions of the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act control

    Information Society Inspection Service
    Ministry of Public Administration
    Public Sector Inspectorate
    Tržaška cesta 21
    1000 Ljubljana

    Enforcement Proceedings

    In case you find any violation of Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act, you may submit your report to information society inspectors by regular mail or e-mail to:

    Date of publication of the website

    The Kino Šiška website was published in its current form in February 2016.

    Preparation of the accessibility statement

    The accessibility statement was prepared on 21 September 2020 and updated on 18 July 2022.

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