
04. 04. 2023

Katedrala Hall

A. Rauch Podrzavnik: CARRY ON

dance performance

Carry On is a performance in which eight experienced dance, theatre and music artists weave a performance from reflections on their personal past, memory, doubt and yearning. Even though the stories are personal and intimate, their threads link with each other and resonate into a communal experience.

These personal incidents, experiences and understandings are the basis for building relationships between the performers, in the desire to knead the intimate into the universal, the performative. The performance therefore draws content from personal impulses, stories and thoughts: What do I carry with me? What do I always have with me and what do I not have? Is what I am carrying heavy? Our everyday life is a constant struggle with gravity. Over time, is the force of gravity of the things we carry in backpacks, bags, memory greater? What we wear constantly shapes us. But what happens when we decide to share our weight, give it away, reveal it? The group divides and juxtaposes the expression into a broader frame, providing the individual with a new insight, a poetic accent, and perhaps more airiness regarding the seemingly insignificant, obscure, or burdensome stories. This makes them more bearable, the weight becomes lighter, and other spaces of conception through which we move open up.

Concept, choreography and artistic direction: Andreja Rauch Podrzavnik Soustvarjanje in izvedba: Dejan Srhoj, Giorgia Belotti, Sara Šoukal, Luka Piletič, Maja Dekleva Lapajne, Jošt Drašler, Anja Bornšek in Andreja Rauch Podrzavnik.

Co-creation and execution: Dejan Srhoj, Giorgia Belotti, Sara Šoukal, Luka Piletič, Maja Dekleva Lapajne, Jošt Drašler, Anja Bornšek in Andreja Rauch Podrzavnik.

Sound Design: Jošt Drašler, Christopher Benstead

Music (live): Jošt Drašler

Light and spatial design: Jaka Šimenc

Text: Sara Šoukal

Photography: Nada Žgank

Video: Andrej Lamut

Production: Federacija

Coproduction: CUK Kino Šiška, DUM društvo umetnikov

Partner: Srednja vzgojiteljska šola, gimanzija in umetniška gimnazija Ljubljana

Financial Support: Mestna občina Ljubljana

Thanks to: Martin Podrzavnik, Andreja Kopač

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