
18. 11. 2023

Kino Šiška


International Festival of Generative Arts

Adela explores the practices arising in the expanded field of generative arts. It considers artworks as algorithms embedded in (im)material infrastructures and observes them as emergent machines and open systems in which human and other agents engage in the production of possible worlds.

It works to open up the material and cultural aspects of generative systems and encourage alternative entry points to their exploration – through the lens of open code, creative coding, media archaeology, fabrication processes and experimental electronics – to establish transformative practices and aesthetics to counter the dominant techno-cultural currents.

In this edition, Adela probes and models generative analogue-digital entanglements that fuse traditional techniques with automated processes, thus widening the field of generativity across divisions between the virtual and the material, the mechanical and the computational.

DATE: 17–19 November 2023

LOCATION: Kino Šiška and osmo/za

Programme in Kino Šiška:

  • Algorithmic Patterns | workshop | 18 November | 10:00–16:00 | Kino Šiška
  • Parameter | Generative Arts Fair | 18 November | 16:00–20:00 | Kino Šiška
  • Algorave | performances | 18 November | 21:00 | Kino Šiška

The festival will open with From Scratch, an evening of improvised live coding (Friday, 17. 11. at 20:00), and conclude with a get-together at the Digital Dish (Sunday, 19. 11. at 13:00). Both events will take place at osmo/za. Adela also includes the exhibition Steering the Brush by Dominik Mahnič (on display at Match Gallery until 5. 11.) and the Digital Dish series in Razpotja magazine.

Free entry.

Production: Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory (2023)

Supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Municipality of Ljubljana.

Coproduction: Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture, Match Gallery (MGML), Razpotja magazine (DHG)

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